Taiyo Takeokadanchi in Kagoshima

JapanTaiyo Takeokadanchi



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2-chōme-28 Takeoka, Kagoshima, 890-0031, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 99-281-7576
webseite: www.taiyonet.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 31.5920933, Longitude: 130.5158277

kommentare 5

  • yn yn

    yn yn


    Drinks are always lukewarm even though they are kept in the refrigerator.

  • 鯵坂佳彦



    The sales floor is large and there are a lot of items, and the rooftop parking lot is large, so it's easy to use. However, the building itself is old and the stairs and parking lot slopes are narrow and I think it may be inconvenient for elderly people. I love the Showa era, so I go there sometimes to see old buildings.

  • 山下優喜子



    Eggs were on sale starting at 4:00 pm, but if the sale was limited to 40, you had to give them a numbered ticket for that number of people. After all, it's this time of year, so I think the store should think about it a little. I felt that this store was not considerate when I saw elderly people lining up for minutes to buy something they thought they could buy.

  • 瞬


    A local supermarket that supports family meals. Please continue to support the dining table! Alcohol, 100 yen stores, and clothing are all located in the same building, so it's convenient.

  • 凛子



    This Taiyo is the best than any other Taiyo.The inside of the store is clean, easy to shop, and clean. The aisles are wide and the cash register area is not cluttered. Products are also easy to find. Is it the store manager's policy? I was impressed. I live in a different area, but if I were to come to Taiyo, I would drive all the way here and come to the Takeoka store.

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