Taiyo Sakuragaoka i Kagoshima

JapanTaiyo Sakuragaoka



🕗 åbningstider

8-chōme-34-7 Sakuragaoka, Kagoshima, 890-0075, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 99-275-2511
internet side: www.taiyonet.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.546369, Longitude: 130.5253214

kommentar 5

  • 美良



    A male employee is smoking a cigarette and swearing at the warehouse entrance. I really hate it. Dirty things should be eliminated. The employees are also rude and I won't use them again.

  • HIKARU mobile

    HIKARU mobile


    Up until now, daily delivery items were always more than 5% higher than other stores except for Sun Foods, but I thought that was due to labor costs, but I was told that during this time there would only be unmanned cash registers. teeth? Is it written on the homepage? When I asked about it, they said it wasn't written down, and it seems like an idiot to force everyone to use an unmanned cash register even though it won't save you even a single yen. It would be better if they let customers choose the manned cashier for their money rather than paying for bags. I don't feel satisfied.

  • みな



    There was only one staff member at the register, so I closed the manned register and could only use the self-checkout. I told them that I wanted to use the 500 yen discount, but they said something like, "Did you pass the product?" and asked me to pass the product at the self-checkout counter before calling. They said. If you want to take advantage of the discount, we recommend going to another store. The staff's response is very bad.

  • Eky Nasuri

    Eky Nasuri


    It’s near the university, very convenient

  • ジム



    The store seems to have been renovated and the aisles have become wider, which is good, but the number of items seems to have decreased accordingly. I feel like shopping was a little easier before.

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