太田町市場 w Shizuoka




🕗 godziny otwarcia

21 Ōtamachi, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 420-0845, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 54-247-5454
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.9829808, Longitude: 138.3929206

komentarze 5

  • けん



    The customer service attitude of the cashier who responded around 12:10 on April 17th was the worst. Even though I wasn't in line behind him, when I was paying at the cash register, he didn't even turn his body towards me and looked away.

  • pekoyan



    We have a variety of fruits and vegetables, fresh fish, meat, and side dishes. What I particularly like are fresh fish and side dishes. Saikyo pickles, soy sauce pickles, and sashimi are really delicious! ! The mackerel has good fat and is delicious \(^o^)/ As for the side dishes, sometimes, oh? ! There is a menu that I think is unusual, and it's also delicious, so I like it.

  • 村上宏子



    It's a lively, old-fashioned shop. It's a great store where you can quickly buy what you want today without having to walk around like you would at a large supermarket. I think they have carefully considered their product lineup.

  • Get Mild 2020

    Get Mild 2020


    Is there a small selection of products? I think There are various stores in the neighborhood, so I think it's just the right size for them to coexist and create vibrancy. That's what I thought☺️

  • ちびマル



    It's an old-fashioned shop that will cheer you up when you visit. I'm not a local, but it's very easy to get to! I will go for the featured products for each day of the week 🎵 The food is divided into fresh fish, meat, fruits and vegetables, and side dishes, and the food is delicious. I made a reservation for the sea bream for the first meal, and they bought a delicious sea bream of the size I requested from the market.

najbliższy Supermarket

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