TAIRAYA Shimodatehigashiten in Chikusei

JapanTAIRAYA Shimodatehigashiten



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1165 Shimonakayama, Chikusei, Ibaraki 308-0825, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 296-25-1201
webseite: www.eco-s.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.3039982, Longitude: 139.9891217

kommentare 5

  • おみちゃんママ



    As always, it's too cold inside Tairaya.

  • 緋閃



    During his time at Ecos Shimodate Higashi store, he was with his family. It went relatively well... Their families also experienced bereavement and separation, Not yet since I became a tairayan I haven't been. The city's premium gift certificate There is one, so I'll go there soon. I'm thinking about it... Evaluation is also based on convenience in the ecos era Taking this into consideration, I currently give it 3 stars. I will do it.

  • キンヒダイ



    There is no soy sauce in the sushi corner 😡 I asked the store staff to look for it, but they couldn't find it. In the end, I decided to eat sushi without soy sauce. If it is not possible to replenish at night, you should tell the cashier how to replenish.

  • まる



    Getting in and out of the car is a hassle, and the store is small with few items and the atmosphere is dark. Every time I hear the harsh, high-pitched voice of a gloomy male clerk saying, ``Welcome,'' I feel sick. Since they opened another new store in the city, that's definitely the only place I'll go to!

  • ろんちみーこ



    Before the renovation, the store had a somewhat old-fashioned and dark atmosphere, but after the renovation, it has become clean and has a bright and lively atmosphere. Same goes for Kasumi, but in this day and age, if you don't have that kind of fashionable atmosphere, you probably won't get customers. If the price is extremely low, customers will rush in regardless of the atmosphere (such as the supermarket behind Tsuchiura Kyodo Hospital), but if the price is normal, the atmosphere is important. Tairaya sometimes has delicious-looking bananas at a low price, so I buy about 5 bags at those times. You won't know what today's bargains are unless you go, so if I have time when I'm passing by, I stop by.

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