Tachikawa Memorial Hospital en Kasama

JapónTachikawa Memorial Hospital



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-12-14 Yakumo, Kasama, Ibaraki 309-1736, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 296-77-7211
sitio web: tkb.or.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.3442001, Longitude: 140.3005863

comentarios 5

  • 秀子



    After all, it was Tachikawa as rumored. I cannot recommend it! My doctor is closed for a holiday! Although it can't be helped, there is no other doctor in the same department. Even though there are hospitalized patients, there is only one doctor who is not in charge! The nurse calls the doctor and receives instructions. It seems like he did just that, but I can't believe that such a thing actually happened. That's too irresponsible. I wish they would have taken human life a little more seriously. I only regret that I should have had him hospitalized in the prefecture. ︎ Even if I say it now, nothing will change! ︎ It is best to avoid hospitalization at all costs.

  • たかしワールド(こうさんワールド)



    After all, the salaries at Tachikawa Hospital are easy, so many of the doctors quit, and most of the doctors who remain are part-time teachers, so it would be better to go somewhere else. Also, the chatty nurses and the reception desk manager have not been trained for the first time...

  • ゆうぱんだ



    I went to the doctor because my shoulder hurt. The receptionist, teacher, and technician were all very nice. However, even though I went to rehab for a certain amount of time, it didn't get better. The physical therapist's attitude has changed The person in charge had changed, and I was given an aura telling me not to come again. If you change hospitals It's healed. I'm not going to rehab anymore.

  • S T

    S T


    September 9, 2022 I twisted my ankle while playing tennis, and thank you for your help. The X-ray and ultrasound technicians were very diligent in checking for any abnormalities. Out of all the medical examinations I have had so far, I have the impression that you have been very thorough. I will continue to monitor the progress, but I gave this rating because my satisfaction level at the time of the consultation was high. Many people gave negative comments about the receptionist, but I don't have a particularly bad impression. The receptionist who answered the phone when I called kindly listened to me over the phone. Thank you for your continued support.

  • 正品格



    When I first talked to the doctor, Honestly "teeth? ” (angry) "picture? ” I thought. The nurses were also kind and made me feel relieved. As a result, the blunt words of the doctor Make your family aware too These words were necessary for the path to the future. Very, really kind It was a necessary word I was able to understand it after 4 hours. the doctor's words You were right. And he was involved The people involved are Anyway, it was polite. (Hospitals are safe with name brands. There is no need to worry if there is a convenience store within the hospital. A larger parking lot would be better, what about footwear? I understand that this is not the case.) I'm so surprised as a team It's an environment where you can face one person. Everyone was so kind that it brought tears to my eyes. I'm so anxious that even if I say useless words, Don't forget to feel close to each other Not just our family (Troublesome?) Even for lively patients Thank you for your sincere response. I feel like asking for my precious family I was allowed to. This hospital Those who cannot rate it highly are probably Sorry for being so expressive. big? a lot at the hospital I had no idea that it was normal to have to wait. The old way of thinking is that being famous means peace of mind. Probably too subjective My line of sight has become narrower Are you the one who put it away? 💦 (Inevitably, hospitals are It's an environment where that happens.) Or is it only possible to express it here? I think it's the lonely nature of Japanese people. I truly felt that it would be better to broaden my horizons. Because I can't fix it myself I'm indebted to you.

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