Suya Post Office w Koshi

JaponiaSuya Post Office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

673-4 Suya, Koshi, Kumamoto 861-1102, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 96-343-2652
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8558761, Longitude: 130.7272733

komentarze 5

  • うみんちゅパール塗装のガンプラなどなど_ブログ



    This is a great post office where you can use an ATM even on Sundays.

  • みかんみかん



    The attitude of the female staff member wearing glasses is very bad. It really offends me. When I first told them that I wanted to send regular mail and purchase stamps, I was told that the amount would only be for the postage. When I told him that I wanted to pay for the stamps as well, he asked me, "What and how many stamps?" Even though I told them my intention to buy stamps at the beginning, they were too attentive. In the end, when I told them that I would like to pay by barcode, the machine that reads it was backed up and could not be used. Without a word of apology, he said, ``We can't do that because we're currently backing up.'' I got really angry. If you can't be that friendly, please don't stand at the counter. Also, there was a line at the post office, but an old lady interrupted and said she wanted to buy some juice, and the clerk didn't pay attention to her and made her pay first.

  • Y H

    Y H


    Is it because there aren't enough people or is it bad manners? The post office takes a lot of time. It's small, but I guess people from this area gather, from young to old. There is only room for 2 cars in the parking lot. The Kumamoto Bank next door was also crowded. I guess it's because the counter is closed from 11:30 to 12:30 during lunch break, so it's very crowded during the day.

  • 佐助



    The parking lot is small, but the ATMs are open until 6pm and 8pm on Sundays, holidays, and Saturdays! ! Thank you for your help

  • Yasuhiro Nakashima

    Yasuhiro Nakashima


    Since it's in the neighborhood, I walk there so it's not a problem, but if you're driving, it's difficult to find a parking lot. There are few parking spaces and it is difficult to park.

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