すし市場 正 本店 in Toyoyama

Japanすし市場 正 本店



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒480-0202 Aichi, Nishikasugai District, Toyoyama, Toyoba, Hattan−52−1
kontakte telefon: +81 568-28-3040
webseite: sushi-ichiba-syou.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.2410752, Longitude: 136.9076471

kommentare 5

  • maguro sushi

    maguro sushi


    Even though it's a conveyor belt sushi restaurant, the sushi doesn't come around 🤣 I went to Sushi Ichiba Tadashi. what you ordered ⚫︎Live scallop 660 yen ⚫︎Sardines 385 yen ⚫︎Nori quail 275 yen ⚫︎Boiled conger eel 385 yen ⚫︎Spring onions 319 yen etc (Price includes tax) ☑︎Shop in front of Northern Market👀 Even though it's a conveyor belt sushi restaurant, the sushi is not passed around 🤣 You can always get freshly made 😊 ☑︎One of the top sushi restaurants in Nagoya that serves fresh, large-cut ingredients🤤 I'm also happy that it's open until 2am ☺️ *Until a few years ago, it was open until 6am... ☑︎Grilled conger eel is a specialty, but I prefer the moist and plump boiled conger eel✨ Which one do you prefer?🤭❓ ☑︎The homemade seaweed tsukudani was so delicious that I ended up eating 3 plates of seaweed quail lol ☑︎Live scallops are boiled to the liver, so you can enjoy the whole scallop🤤 There's always a line for a great value lunch on weekdays, but it's a little-known spot during dinner time 😏 I’m going to go eat seaweed quail again lol Thank you for the meal 😋

  • barbz



    I absolutely enjoyed the variety of Sushi at this resturant. The food was amazing and the service was very good. I highly recommend.

  • Lau Vincent

    Lau Vincent


    good CP

  • Icy Nishi

    Icy Nishi


    Loved it!! The sushi is excellent 😋

  • Eunice Wong

    Eunice Wong


    Plenty choice of sushi with reasonable price.

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