スリーズコーヒー高速自家焙煎屋 en Sendai




🕗 horarios

3-chōme-5-44 Itsutsubashi, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 984-0022, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 22-263-4001
sitio web: www.threes-coffee.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.2524917, Longitude: 140.8837501

comentarios 5

  • Ahmad Khaldun Ismail

    Ahmad Khaldun Ismail


    Bought two different coffee blends and roasted level 6. Ready in less than10 minutes. Very good medium dark roast.

  • Lonely Rider

    Lonely Rider


    This time “Brazil Luciana 100g ¥756” “Vietnamese Arabica 100g ¥712” I decided to take out. You'll have to wait a little while, but the high-speed roaster will roast the green beans on the spot. The owner explained in detail about the roasting of beans and the quantity. By the way··· I received a coupon for 20% more coffee for my next visit.

  • 安齋誠之進



    I've visited many coffee roasting shops, but this one has the best selection. If you buy raw beans, you can sell them at a discount. The owner's poop is also wonderful. Roasting time is also fast.

  • sizu sawa

    sizu sawa


    I've only been there twice so I haven't found the beans that suit me, but they will roast the beans you choose on the spot. The price is a little high, but it tasted fresh and clear.

  • 石黒宏明



    This is a shop that roasts raw beans on the spot. You can customize everything from choosing the beans to the degree of roasting to your liking. You can enjoy a variety of coffees by letting them know your preferences and letting them choose for you!

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