Super Kid Maebaru en Itoshima

JapónSuper Kid Maebaru



🕗 horarios

3-chōme-1-20 Shinowarahigashi, Itoshima, Fukuoka 819-1128, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 92-321-4141
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5490743, Longitude: 130.2128498

comentarios 5

  • 尾上譲司



    It's fun to go to a different store every now and then and see the different products. It's a lot of fun here. Please visit us once! !

  • 大五郎



    We carry a wide variety of products, from food to medicine, clothing, home appliances, and automobile supplies. Everything is sold at a discount.

  • ito_oji



    Although it is far from the center of Itoshima, it seems convenient for people using the bypass. There are also convenience stores and ramen shops around the area. 💳It seems that you can pay by credit card starting from 5,000 yen or more.

  • 一美さん



    Nice⤴ (。•̀ᴗ-)b

  • Riki Kobayashi

    Riki Kobayashi


    Reopen and reopen I feel like the store is larger and easier to see! Before, it felt a lot like Don Quixote, I didn't know where anything was... But if you come here, you can shop cheaply! It was that kind of shop. It was my first time going after the renovation. The aisles are wide and the sales floor is easy to see. I think the number of products available has also increased. The prices are low and the variety of products has increased. I think it's worth checking out once... A floor map is also included. please refer. It's open until 11pm at night too. It's very helpful! !

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