Sunny Mart Seto w Kochi

JaponiaSunny Mart Seto



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-13−1 Seto Nishimachi, Kochi, 781-0251, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 120-953-638
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5106689, Longitude: 133.5436523

komentarze 5

  • 平岡英司



    Rokusenji store has more items

  • ruなのねこ



    As with all Sunny Mart stores, the store staff provides excellent customer service, and you can enjoy shopping in this wonderful store with a warm atmosphere inside. I love the fish corner. I love the delicious fish at Seto and Nangoku stores at Sunny Mart. The others are delicious and I always end up buying too much... There is a pharmacy inside. The pharmacists always treat me kindly and make me feel at ease, which I am grateful for. I am always grateful for your help. I love Yuskin's hand cream.

  • tamu4511



    Today I learned that there was a fresh fish market at Sunny Mart Seto store, so I went shopping in the afternoon. My husband had beautiful horse mackerel, so I asked him if he could make it into sashimi, and he said yes, so I bought two of them. When I ate it right away that evening, it had a good texture, was fresh, and was very delicious. I usually shop at a different Sunny Mart store and often buy sashimi, but sometimes it's disappointing because there are small bones and the texture is a bit off. Also, when there is a fresh fish market, I definitely go there to buy some. The staff at the sales floor also responded well to customer questions and made me feel comfortable.

  • みき



    The vegetables and fruits are very beautiful and delicious. The staff at the store are very friendly and I use them all the time. There is a large parking lot and a rooftop.

  • トト•リーナ



    They have a wide variety of products, including a lot of fresh seafood and vegetables, and it's close to my home, so I use it often ((o(^∇^)o))

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