Sunny Mart Rokusenji i Kochi

JapanSunny Mart Rokusenji



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223−2 Rokusenjichō, Kochi, 780-8023, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 120-953-644
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.5385544, Longitude: 133.5415707

kommentar 5

  • むいむい



    I didn't take a picture, but the price of sweets is strange. I've been watching for a few months to see if it's been corrected, but there's been no movement. I wonder if the products sold at this store are special and different from those sold at other stores.

  • Asumi- GBFY

    Asumi- GBFY


    If you want to shop at a good price, go in the morning. If you want to get a cheap discount, go after the evening. From 7:30 onwards, most fried foods, cooked dishes, and side dishes are 20% to half price.

  • 住城あやか



    This is a supermarket that is closely connected to the local community, and is a bright, easy-to-shop store. The parking lot is spacious and has plenty of storage space, and there is an okonomiyaki restaurant, a ramen restaurant, and a Japanese restaurant all on the same site. The supermarket toilets are not in the back, either. From the entrance, parallel to the entrance Because there is, it is easy to use, Collection boxes for recycled empty cans and plastic bottles are located outside the store. Sunny Mart, like other stores, is a store that has a good combination of cleanliness and, for a supermarket, a sense of luxury and lifestyle. If you want to buy the same product, it is sometimes cheaper to buy it at another supermarket. There are many events, so while you're there, you can go shopping, After taking the aforementioned recycling items with me, I decided to go shopping (^ー^). As well as the freshness of food etc. There are many customers, so it's lively. Of course, the cleaning is thorough, The employees and cashiers haven't changed much, so I feel relieved (^ー^).

  • くろあめ!



    local supermarket We also sell minke whale and Susaki nabeyaki ramen.

  • sakurabuzz tv

    sakurabuzz tv


    I like Sunny mart ,food ,meat ,vegetables are ver fresh

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