SUNNY MART Koda Store en Kochi

JapónSUNNY MART Koda Store



🕗 horarios

804 Kōda, Kochi, 780-8040, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 120-953-635
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5436524, Longitude: 133.5097852

comentarios 5

  • 大妻敬典



    This is a nice supermarket that I use almost every day, and although the prices are a little high, it is a friendly store with a wide selection of local ingredients. The problem is that when the neighboring kindergarten has an event, the parking lot is full and children are running around, so it's a bit scary. Also, the supplier's trucks are having a hard time in the cramped space, and some of them are driving aggressively, so be careful. Today, too, I was glared at by a driver collecting cardboard boxes.

  • Yu-ki Takechi

    Yu-ki Takechi


    It is located in the middle of a residential area on the outskirts of Kochi City. The parking lot is small and difficult to enter from the prefectural road. The building is not that large, so I don't think the selection is that good compared to other Sunny Marts. Especially the side dishes and alcoholic beverages were small. There was an ATM corner, a PUDO station, and a ramen shop on the premises.

  • 風吹く



    I had a bad experience at the self-checkout. Since regular cash registers weren't open at night, I had no choice but to use the self-checkout, and whenever I bought two of the same item, the second one was always difficult to scan, which irritated me. After this happened about three times, a clerk came from behind me and said, ``Customer, 〇〇 doesn't seem to be coming in.'' The scanning wasn't very smooth, so it seems like some items were put in the bag without being scanned with another hand.That's my fault, but I also felt bad about being watched from behind all the time, so I intentionally didn't scan them. I felt like I was being treated like a criminal and it was very unpleasant. If you're standing behind me and watching, I want you to open the cash register.

  • エリオスエリオス



    2022 Yosakoi Festival special dance photos uploaded! [Photos 🆙] There are many self-checkouts. I hope something good happens to everyone who sees this💞💞

  • 正直者



    I think they have a good selection of products, but they are expensive.On the other hand, I think the products are good even though they are expensive. 。I think it's good that they also have vegetables grown by local people.However, unfortunately, I couldn't buy the frozen food because it was more expensive than other stores. I buy things cheaply, so I'll go to Sunny to buy things other than cold food. This is rice that I would recommend without washing.I cooked it normally and it was fine. Each had their own texture. I would like to continue purchasing this rice from now on.

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