Sunflower i Fukuoka




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4420ー1 Imazu, Nishi Ward, Fukuoka, 819-0165, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81
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Latitude: 33.6187472, Longitude: 130.2314361

kommentar 5

  • Kenneth Lai

    Kenneth Lai


    Fantastic and relaxing setting. Food was surprisingly fantastic! Nice view of the coastline. Can tell they really put a lot of PASSION in the whole setup and the food. Prices were more than reasonable!! We kind of ate double of everything! Luckily we skipped breakfast. A true hidden gem! Will definitely return!

  • Wai Ping Chow

    Wai Ping Chow


    I thoroughly love this place and more choices of food are provided in this cafe. Highly recommended to have an afternoon tea here. The view is spectacular.

  • Christopher Chia

    Christopher Chia


    Prices are on the pricey side but the desserts are really decent! Atmosphere is really nice and the outdoor views are amazing!

  • Sayaka Kira

    Sayaka Kira


    Before I started writing my review, I read other people’s reviews and the infamous owners replies and that got me giggle. lol I enjoyed reading his witty replies a lot. :D It was very interesting to see many customers get upset over little things and cannot get their head around to see their situation from a different perspective. In my opinion, this place was just great! My brother who lives in Fukuoka for more than 20 years took me and my husband here and I was happy to get to know this place. :) As soon as we entered, the owner greeted us in a very friendly way and welcomed us into the corner table with cosy couches by the window. From the window you have a panorama view over the ocean so it was perfect. We ordered cream pasta, bolognaise pizza with aubergine on top, grilled chicken and veges, orange and honey tea, royal milk tea, some mini sweets. Everything was tasty and the potion was not too big or small, it was perfect for all of us to share. Especially I liked the concept that you can get to choose any piece of dessert and pay for the number of pieces you took. Each one is small so you can get to enjoy different types of sweets which was really nice. Another staff who served us food was also friendly and attentive. I and my husband are from Germany and while there are lots of cafes and restaurants in Japan where foreigners are treated badly or awkwardly to say the least, everyone here welcomed us warmly. :) Thank you for the lovely experience.

  • Raad Asif

    Raad Asif


    Nice view and ambiance. Happy they had some vegan options of smoothies and such drinks. They also modified a salad pizza to make it vegan which was very much appreciated. The staff were mostly pleasant, but one or a couple were a bit unprofessional in their behavior. I was inviting to come here by some people I knew. I don't mind coming here again but wouldn't come from myself for lunch or dinner, since the vegan options are quite poor. But I might come in between meals to enjoy a smoothie or drink and look at the sea.

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