Sun Shika Kodomokyosei Dental Clinic i 相模原市中央区

JapanSun Shika Kodomokyosei Dental Clinic



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2179-4-105 Kamimizo, Chuo Ward, 相模原市中央区 Kanagawa 252-0243, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 42-763-8118
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.5475255, Longitude: 139.3602748

kommentar 5

  • 藤田



    The doctor and hygienist were friendly and easy to get to.

  • Yu na

    Yu na


    Many of the teachers and staff are kind, which makes it easy to continue working.




    It's a place where I can feel the kindness of the teachers, so I continue to go there with peace of mind.

  • ayana



    This is a family review. It seems like there were some issues with the doctor's treatment, but I've been going to see him for many years. When patients complained of tooth pain but temporary treatment did not improve the situation, or when their teeth were stained and it was difficult to eat, they would buy toothpaste, mouthwash, etc. and use medicines because they believed they could be cured. It wasn't getting better, and when I told him about it, he said, ``I guess you brushed as hard as you could, thinking that if you brush hard, you'll become healthy.'' Furthermore, the dental hygienist told me, ``There are many dentists out there, so it's up to the patient to choose which one,'' so I went home feeling depressed. I had heard some disturbing conversations in the past, but after this incident, both I and my family decided to change to a different dental clinic. Actually, I don't want to give even one star.

  • くれち



    If you make a reservation, you will be called pretty quickly. The customer service and treatments are refreshing in a good way. The dental assistants also look like veterans. It may take a little bit of brute force, but I think he will give you a good treatment.

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