Sun Kodomo Dental Clinic i Nagoya

JapanSun Kodomo Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

Yamashita-78-1 Narumichō, Midori Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 458-0801, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 52-618-5122
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.0927378, Longitude: 136.9500506

kommentar 4

  • じゅんじゅん



    Even if you are just one minute late for your reservation, you will receive a phone call, but I am not satisfied with the fact that you have to wait for 20 minutes. It's hard for working mothers.

  • ゆ


    I had my child's teeth looked at, but it turned out to be a cavity, so I had him treat it. I had the opportunity to tell him that I had cavities a couple of times, but he laughed at me as if he was making fun of me, which made me uncomfortable. It was a male teacher. And the dental assistant, I was one of the older people working there. When I was looking at her, she seemed to be watching the child very carefully, but when she was gone, she looked at the child very carefully. I feel like it's a strong hit so I leave it there. I felt uneasy. while waiting at the reception When other parents and children are called Looks like you forgot your cup At that time, in front of everyone, Do you feel like you're making fun of me? in What about a cup? Did you forget? Please bring a cup next time~, I said while laughing. After seeing what you said, I decided to stop going here. (The elderly dental assistant from earlier) Even the dad I was talking about seemed annoyed. By the way, this is not my first time going here. I have to bring a cup with me That's where I first learned about it. The receptionist was very friendly and made me feel comfortable.

  • 大澤拓也



    Beautiful, teacher is kind

  • Masahiko Onoda

    Masahiko Onoda


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