Sumiseido Dental Clinic i Watari

JapanSumiseido Dental Clinic



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Suzukibori-79-5 Ōkumatazawa, Watari, Watari District, Miyagi 989-2383, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 223-32-0405
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.0732667, Longitude: 140.8638459

kommentar 5

  • GakU Y

    GakU Y


    I went to get my wisdom tooth cavities fixed. I was afraid of having the tooth pulled out, so I asked him to treat my tooth for cavities, but the tooth had been scraped off so badly that the next time I came, Who did this treatment? Let's pull it out. Eventually, my wisdom teeth were removed. I wish I didn't have to treat it if I was going to have it removed. The cavity next to the silver tooth was also filled with resin as a cavity. In the end, the teeth treated here I had them all treated by different dentists.

  • さ


    As soon as this dentist opened I went there and was surprised at how bad their attitude towards patients was. ``If you promise to attend regularly, I will treat you. If you don't, I will not treat you.'' That's what I was told. I don't know if it was easy for me to say it because I was young at the time. From then on, every time I went there, I used abusive language. I finally couldn't stand it anymore and stopped going.

  • T



    I think it will be dangerous if we don't do something about the teacher's negative comments. (Management deteriorates) Angry and yelling at the old man. Both the workers and the patients (including myself) were rude. This is probably the only doctor who examines you while chewing gum. When calling a worker, instead of calling ○○, Hey! ○○! I heard you calling.

  • やまからす



    First of all, I think it will be dangerous if we don't do something about the teacher's negative comments. Both the workers and the patients (including myself) were rude. This is probably the only doctor who examines you while chewing gum. When calling a worker, instead of calling ○○, Hey! ○○! I heard you calling. I think we need to change the way we treat patients and workers. If I don't see any changes at my next appointment, I plan to talk to the doctor directly. I am giving this rating in hopes of improvement. Thank you for your support.

  • チョコ大好き



    It was the worst. The doctor examined me while I was chewing gum, and it felt like someone other than a dental hygienist, that is, a dental assistant, was looking at my gums and teeth. This is because it was poorly executed and poorly executed. I used to work at a dentist as a dental assistant, but this was the first time I had my gums stung so many times, and it was painful. I am very disappointed because the consideration and thorough explanations for the patients were good.

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