スマイル歯科 溝口クリニック w Kawasaki

Japoniaスマイル歯科 溝口クリニック



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Japan, 〒213-0011 Kanagawa, Kawasaki, Takatsu Ward, Hisamoto, 3-chōme−10−10番8号 スマイルハイツ溝ノ口 1階
kontakt telefon: +81 44-822-3810
strona internetowej: www.smileshika-mizonokuchi.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.5970183, Longitude: 139.6196492

komentarze 4

  • 虎小



  • Pie Coffee

    Pie Coffee


    I visited the hospital because the director was a graduate of Tokyo Dental University and had worked at an affiliated hospital for a long time. I was impressed with the thoroughness of both the explanation and treatment. However, I was told in advance that the air flow (jet cleaning) to remove stains from my teeth might be painful, but it was so painful that I cried out... Moreover, two to three months after the cleaning, my front teeth turned brown as shown in the photo. In the past, I had never had my teeth turn brown after dental treatment, so I consulted with a dentist I know and he said, ``Deep grooves were formed during the cleaning process, and coffee or other stains may have gotten stuck there.'' That's what I said. At the time of cleaning, I was not informed about such risks, which made me feel very bad. (By the way, no matter how hard I scrubbed with a toothbrush, the stains wouldn't come off, and I was at another dentist's office who couldn't get them off, so I was in despair...but I was able to remove most of the stains by scrubbing with a commercially available "tooth eraser" product.) ) postscript I received a notification from Google that your post was being viewed frequently, so I casually opened it and saw a reply from the director. I was shocked when I read the contents. The reason is as stated in the reply, ``I think you may have visited another dental clinic (Smile Dental).'' This is because patients who have visited our clinic at other smile dental clinics. This is because we often receive incorrect calls asking about consultations." I'm an amateur, so I don't know the types and names of treatments. What I wanted to say in the above post is that the act of cleaning was the trigger. On the other hand, even an amateur would never mistake the name of the clinic where he or she had a painful experience. For example, if you were to suffer mental distress from your colleague "Yamada-san," would you ever mistake him for another "Yamada-san"? Your reply was like rubbing salt on a wound, which made me doubly sad. For the doctor, there may be countless patients, but for the patient, each treatment is remembered one by one. Even worse, going to the wrong doctor's office...I think it's understandable if you're considerate of the other person's feelings. thank you very much.

  • 澤登shinobu



  • I Da

    I Da


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