Sugawara Dental Clinic in Sendai

JapanSugawara Dental Clinic



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1-chōme-56-26 Tsurugaoka, Izumi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-3109, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 22-375-8211
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.3146244, Longitude: 140.9234791

kommentare 5

  • ゆーむー



    Treatment policy What kind of work will you do from now on? Please explain and treat me You can leave it to us with peace of mind Previously at another dentist When a cavity starts to hurt My tooth was pulled out without explanation. to cover the bridge Surrounding teeth have also been shaved off without permission. I had a bad feeling There is resistance to having healthy teeth removed. I would like an explanation to make it understandable if that is necessary. This dentist is There was a clear explanation, so I had a good impression of it. Radish cute Maybe it's the whole dentistry thing, but what's the point in charging money even if you don't go to the dentist? For example, it was taken today Dental hygiene implementation guidance This is Practical dental hygiene guidance fee means that a dental hygienist, under the direction of the attending physician, provides hands-on guidance for 15 minutes or more directly to the patient and provides written information regarding the content of the guidance. Nevertheless It was written that the instruction content was about brushing the adjacent and root surfaces (in the document I received). I haven't received any guidance for a second. What does that mean? Taking money for something you didn't do is like a heron act, and I think it's comparable to BIG Motor, right? It's better not to underestimate them by thinking of them as ordinary people.There are people who are silent but have specialized knowledge. There are many people with great research skills. (I'm ignorant though)

  • いおりえ



    The doctor is kind, and he carefully explains the treatment to the patient while confirming his wishes, so you can feel at ease. Even though the treatment was cheap under insurance, he took his time and did it without making it complicated. When I suddenly started having pain around the tooth I was treating in my daily life, I called and they moved my scheduled appointment date and time forward and scheduled it into their free time on the day. Moreover, since the previous appointment had finished earlier, I received a separate message saying, ``It's okay if you come early.'' I was very grateful. I think it would have been more convenient if I could make reservations online.

  • バン1966



    I visited you for the first time today. My teeth were in much worse condition than I expected, but He thoroughly explained my future treatment and made me feel very at ease. I think he is a dentist you can feel at ease going to.

  • こいとkoito



  • kazu



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