Sugakiya en Sakai




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7-chōme-733 Ōtorihigashimachi, Nishi Ward, Sakai, Osaka 593-8324, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 80-6993-9571
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.532855, Longitude: 135.4649295

comentarios 5

  • Westヒロ



    I love Sugakiya It's a shame that Sugakiya is wiped out in the Kanto region. I came to Osaka this time for a live tour, so I visited. I had an image of it in Aichi and Mie, but it also existed in Osaka. There were no Sugakiya stores around Umeda or Namba, so I went to Otori Station, a station that I don't think I would have a chance to go to, and went to Sugakiya, and I'm glad I went. I ate it for the first time in a while Sugakiya ramen was delicious Sometimes while drinking ramen soup It's delicious to eat soft serve ice cream Visited in July 2024

  • うめさん。



    This ramen shop has been in Ootori Wings since I entered elementary school over 40 years ago. The taste hasn't changed since then, and it's delicious. Eating with a spoon that has a fork at the end is no different. Please continue to be here forever!




    A popular restaurant for families with small children due to its simple menu of ramen and desserts. I went to the half price sale. As expected, there was a huge line I ordered special ramen and sundae. The same ramen with soft noodles, thinly sliced ​​char siu, and warm egg in a gently seasoned soup based on Japanese-style soup stock made from kelp and bonito flakes.

  • 24 Symphony

    24 Symphony


    Usual Sugakiya taste It's a little salty, but there are times when I just want to eat it. Cheap and delicious Sugakiya ramen This is a valuable store as there are not many stores in Kansai. Speaking of Sugakiya, is it the uniquely shaped spoon? fork? Just by looking at this, you can tell it's Sugakiya. It's not just ramen, it also has sweets, so many people seem to use it to take a break from shopping. It's not a food court, but a small but bright Sugakiya open space type store located in a corner of a supermarket. You order at the counter and then pick it up when it's ready. The store clerk was cheerful and had good customer service.

  • 五十嵐明(Myou)



    Sugakiya whole mini set. The noodles are delicious. Gomoku rice doesn't seem to be mixed together. If you want to eat the soft serve ice cream later, they will give you a ticket. Seriously, the soft serve ice cream was the best.

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