Starbucks Coffee - Yoga i Setagaya City

JapanStarbucks Coffee - Yoga



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5-chōme-39-22 Seta, Setagaya City, Tokyo 158-0095, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5491-4086
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6264289, Longitude: 139.6264787

kommentar 5

  • Johan Groth

    Johan Groth


    On weekend, a tip is to not try the drive through - because it’s very crowded. The store itself not so much, so recommend parking & picking you your drinks inside.

  • S T

    S T


    I came across negative reviews about Starbucks in Japan at least a few times before, and I am going to write one by myself this time. Staff's quality is getting noticeably lower these days. That is the case at this store, too. They don't get my order. I have to repeat myself or rephrase exactly the way they understand. Managers take up the table for themselves to talk about their own business. Some staff don't even bother to greet customers. I feel that Starbucks is not in "people business" anymore. It lacks some decency in service jobs.

  • Darsshan Parmar

    Darsshan Parmar


    Wonderful place to visit during night time. Open till 22:30 JST Parking space available Drive through option available Near to shibuya express way Petrol pump at 30m

  • Hiroshi Yasukawa

    Hiroshi Yasukawa


    This Starbucks has a parking lot and a drive-through. The service is good, and there are a few outdoor tables on the second floor. It's on Route 8, so noisy, and the air quality is terrible.

  • Patrick Joseph Frain

    Patrick Joseph Frain


    This Starbucks is just around the corner from Flower Land (beautiful small park with ducks, plant nurseries, and thousands of flowers-ideal for children and gardeners). Anyway, back to the Starbucks-not really a fan of them usually but this is quiet enough to pass 5 minutes or an hour away without people bothering you. Staff and food excellent, they even gave our daughter free fresh milk.

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