St. Mary's Cathedral i Bunkyō-ku

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Japan, 〒112-0014 Tōkyō-to, Bunkyō-ku, Sekiguchi, 3 Chome−16−15
Kontakter telefon: +81 3-3941-3029
Latitude: 35.7144269, Longitude: 139.7264385
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Kommentar 5

  • Anne Le-Sinq

    Anne Le-Sinq


    Beautiful architecture. No photos allowed inside.

  • Evelyn Limanjaya

    Evelyn Limanjaya


    In my opinion, the architecture and interior feels cold and not welcoming, contrary to what a church supposed to be. Nevertheless, the mass has beautiful choir.

  • Lisa Ramsburg

    Lisa Ramsburg


    Very peaceful and beautiful with an organ playing in the background. Only bad thing is these two intense spotlights that blind you when you try to look up at the space. Please take them down so people can enjoy the architecture without damaging their corneas

  • Inis Ipis

    Inis Ipis


    Lays in a very quite and beautiful neighborhood. Only holds mass in Japanese.

  • Victor Molina Alegre

    Victor Molina Alegre


    Much better inside out. Good out of the beaten path visit to feel some Tokyoan way of life.

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3 Chome-16−15 Sekiguchi, Bunkyō
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3 Chome-17−1 Sekiguchi, Bunkyō
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