space e caffe i Shimabara

Japanspace e caffe



🕗 åbningstider

156-8 Nakahorimachi, Shimabara, Nagasaki 855-0806, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 957-73-9944
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.7834381, Longitude: 130.3694847

kommentar 5

  • Takumi Okada (Rejected Tacos)

    Takumi Okada (Rejected Tacos)


    When I visited Shimabara on a trip, I stopped by and had pizza and coffee. Thank you very much to the owners!

  • Son Kyungjin

    Son Kyungjin


    amazing place. I had the most delicious coffe and hot choco in japan. interior and exterior are authentic👍🏻. 10/10 + the cat is very cute and the owner is very kind.

  • Sh “しー” K

    Sh “しー” K


    This is an artistic shop inside an arcade. Banana smoothie was delicious. It was a cozy cafe where cats would soothe you.

  • Shuto Inoue

    Shuto Inoue


    Ordered shrimp pizza and cappuccino. The basil sauce, dark cheese, and chewy dough match perfectly. Cappuccino is extracted using a large espresso machine. The aroma and gentle taste are indescribable. Do you keep them at the store? It was satisfying to be able to interact with the four cats.

  • Bun Amakusa

    Bun Amakusa


    espresso café ☕︎

nærmeste Cafe

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