Spa LaQua en Bunkyō-ku

JapónSpa LaQua



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒112-0003 Tōkyō-to, Bunkyō-ku, Kasuga, 1 Chome−1−1−1 ラクーアビル
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3817-4173
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.7070872, Longitude: 139.7529712

comentarios 5

  • Valentina K

    Valentina K


    Crowded. No one speak English. Expensive.

  • Nuj H

    Nuj H


    A spa with good restaurants, cafe and massage. A good place for urban escape. People with body arts are not accepted...

  • Jon



    Wonderful place to relax for a day or night with decent food ob premise. Variety of hot baths and saunas make it a good experience.

  • Deimos Lets play

    Deimos Lets play


    Im in tbe lobby rigbt now righting this review I am a american i never not once got a vibe of mistreatment it was a very pleasant experience i love you get a wrist band so you never have to pay till the end of your experience it met all my expectations. They do give like 5 warnings of NO body art before you enter if you still enter and you do have a tattoo well you deserve to be thrown out. Hope you dont mind geting naked it is a mens-woman bath house you are going to be naked and be around alot of naked so if you have a problem with that may not be the place for you if you dont mind you will have a blast so relaxing enjoy

  • Lee Chris

    Lee Chris


    I love this spa. Very relaxing place and you can experience various type of baths. The night view of the Healing Baden Zone was spectacular. It's so beautiful and you can see the big wheel of the the amusement park. Something everyone should see. The only thing is, you have to extra to enter this special zone beside the entrance fee. If only it is a little cheaper.. it would be perfect. anyway I will definitely go again.

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