そらいろデンタルクリニック in Akita




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Horikawa-10 Iijima, Akita, 011-0911, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 18-838-1707
webseite: sorairo.nanshu.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 39.7927273, Longitude: 140.0618498

kommentare 2

  • リリー



    Very polite and kind. This dentist is 30 minutes away by car from my house, but I continue to go there because their service and skills are excellent. I've been to about 8 dentists in Akita City so far, but this one was the best. Our doctors will provide you with your dental treatment from start to finish. The male doctor's treatment is really great. They will answer any questions you may have without making it too much trouble, and you can receive treatment with peace of mind. I felt sad because other dentists made it difficult to ask questions, or they responded in a bad mood when I asked a few questions, so I'm glad I found this dentist! ! Also, a dental hygienist who will be in charge of removing tartar from your teeth? He is also very polite and skillful. Teeth cleaning feels so good that I want to have it all the time. (lol)

  • 斉藤幸輝



    They will be happy to advise you.

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