松山生協 西雄郡店 i Matsuyama

Japan松山生協 西雄郡店



🕗 åbningstider

604 Doidamachi, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-0056, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 89-972-0949
internet side: www.matsuyamaseikyo.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.8235839, Longitude: 132.7429412

kommentar 5

  • 藤﨑貞親



    This is the store you can see from the train window. When I entered the store, the items were lined up well and the staff were friendly.

  • nana hati

    nana hati


    I often use the produce corner because the vegetables are cheap. The fish may be a little expensive, but it's delicious.

  • ru ru

    ru ru


    The staff's attitude is the worst. While I was selecting items, the waiter came in and ignored the customer's words, ``I'm sorry.'' The cashier also has an attitude that makes you wonder if he is dealing with customers. Here, the employees seem to be in a higher position than the customers. I will never go there again.

  • Tk mk

    Tk mk


    I used to use it often because it's in my neighborhood, but my card wasn't responding due to a magnetic error, so I went to the service counter and was told that it would cost 100 yen to reissue it. They were also holding an event where new members were issued free of charge, but they didn't offer any such suggestions. It was also a point-up day. At other supermarkets, if there is a magnetic error, you can enter your membership number and they will take care of it or fix the magnetic error. I am disappointed that the cashier, the clerk I spoke to, and all the clerks who responded were not able to provide a supportive response. I won't be using it anymore because it's close.

  • とおちゃん



    This is the supermarket I always use 👍️ Today I went straight to the bento side dish corner ❗️ I bought a bento with Inari sushi 🎵 It was very delicious 😋

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