Smile Kizzu Dental Care Shinmaebashi Dental Clinic en Maebashi

JapónSmile Kizzu Dental Care Shinmaebashi Dental Clinic



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32-4 Shimoishikuramachi, Maebashi, Gunma 371-0842, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 27-252-2525
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.3782119, Longitude: 139.0565973

comentarios 5

  • 間宮遼



    My family is taking care of me. He always gives me specific and detailed advice, which is very helpful. We also have a childcare worker, so you can leave your child with peace of mind.

  • 黒沢幸嗣



    My family is taking care of me. He always talks carefully about dental maintenance, and his treatment is thorough, so the entire family can receive maintenance and treatment with peace of mind.

  • 田村篤子



    Parents and children attend the school together. I am grateful that the teachers are very kind and kindly and carefully teach me how to polish. When you collect three stamps, you can make a gacha gacha, so the children can have fun and come along without any hesitation.

  • 綾子



    He always provides kind and thorough explanations, never forcing the patient, and leaves the final decision up to the patient. However, he doesn't just throw everything at you, he presents several options and explains the advantages and disadvantages. To start going here, you will have to undergo a saliva test that is not covered by insurance, and it will cost a certain amount of money, but in the long run, it may not be that expensive. Adults also receive dental cleanings once every three months. My child received orthodontic treatment using a mouthpiece here. He not only straightened my teeth, but also corrected my posture. My severely rounded back has gotten much better. At the school's dental checkup, his teeth were perfectly aligned! It seems that he was praised. Thank you for your help. We look forward to working with you and your family in the future.

  • 相場健一



    Thank you very much for your help. Due to my parents' work commitments, I only see the doctor on Saturdays, which makes it difficult to coordinate schedules, but they are very helpful in arranging for both parent and child to see the doctor on the same day, thereby reducing the burden of seeing the doctor. The doctor's treatment is kind, and the dental hygienist who usually sees me is very thorough, so both parent and child can trust the dental hygienist. As a result, the children's teeth are now straighter, and they are now able to brush and floss their teeth little by little. As a parent and child, I have a laid-back personality, so I have reaffirmed the importance of regularly visiting the dentist and receiving thorough instructions on tooth brushing. Thank you for your continued support.

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