Smile Heart Sasaki Dental Clinic in Sendai

JapanSmile Heart Sasaki Dental Clinic



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Japan, 〒982-0804 Miyagi, Sendai, Taihaku Ward, Kagitori, 4-chōme−4−51-1F 310エスベランサ
kontakte telefon: +81 22-738-9723
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.224308, Longitude: 140.840749

kommentare 5

  • Scherzer



    My family has been going there for regular checkups since it first opened. At first, the service was good and everyone was taken care of individually, which made it popular. However, as time has passed for three or four years, the medical examinations have become inadequate and the feeling of work has gotten worse. I had a cavity treated at this dentist. However, three days later, the tooth that had been treated continued to have severe pain, so I went to another dentist and was told that the cavity had progressed inside and was getting worse because the tooth was covered without proper treatment. My younger brother was also treated in the same way and I completely lost trust in him. Even when I went for regular check-ups or when I checked immediately after the pain started, I was told that it was just discoloration and left it alone. After it became visible, I simply said that it was a cavity. When I thought I had finally been treated, I was given the appropriate treatment as described above. I have often seen female dental assistants blatantly change their attitude when interacting with them depending on their appearance. I don't want you to have the same painful experience as I did, so I recommend you to go to another dentist.

  • 佐藤エミ



    This is a very kind and warm dental clinic. At first glance, I was able to receive treatment at ease in a stylish clinic that looked like a cafe, with detailed explanations. Thank you very much♪

  • 霧島さん



    It was a dental clinic that helped me overcome my dislike of dentists. Even though I had a silver tooth, the root treatment was done carefully and my teeth became beautiful and white. I used to cover my mouth when I laughed because I was embarrassed to see my silver teeth in public, but now I can smile without worrying. I think the doctors and staff are all very nice dental clinics.

  • otama



    I don't like pain, and I'm especially afraid of going to the dentist, so I've been looking for a dentist that's right for me, so I've been looking for a dentist that's right for me. After reading other people's reviews, I thought it might be a good idea, so I mustered up the courage to call! The receptionist was a kind-looking woman. On the day of the appointment, a woman who looked like a hygienist examined my mouth and asked me what I wanted to do. I told him about it because I wanted to get cavities fixed on my front and back teeth. Also, when I told him that I don't like dentists, he smiled and said, "I understand." (lol) After that, I went to see a doctor. The doctor was a man who seemed easy to talk to, and I was relieved when he told me which tooth to start with and explained that the treatment could be done without removing the nerve. . . I decided to use laughing gas anesthesia for anesthesia. (The treatment was finished while I was relaxing! I didn't feel any pain! I was conscious though!) So, I decided to treat my other teeth as well, so I made another appointment and headed home! ! If you are unsure, it might be a good idea to try it first! The inside is pretty beautiful, maybe pink as the main color? He is a warm-colored dentist. The restroom was also spacious and clean~(^^) It had a homely atmosphere, and I felt safe~. That's what it feels like.

  • Akemi Abe

    Akemi Abe


    As the name suggests, the customer service is full of smiles. There is only one teacher, so reservations are recommended. I think it's technically excellent as well. Even people who are scared or have bad reflexes can be treated with laughing gas anesthesia, so they may feel better.

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