SMBC Okayama Branch in Okayama

JapanSMBC Okayama Branch



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒700-0901 Okayama, Kita Ward, Honmachi, 3−6−101 ワシントンホテル 1階
kontakte telefon: +81 570-043-195
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.66526, Longitude: 133.92198

kommentare 5

  • ぁ-co



    This bank is different from other companies. I have a strong feeling that you looked down on individuals. I hope the number of victims who have their hearts broken does not increase...

  • 齋藤保



    I visited Taiyo Kobe Bank with the intention of doing something about my passbook that I had made at Kobe Bank and hadn't used in about 40 years, and I was left with a good impression of their courteous service.

  • Forty One

    Forty One


    Star is "0" I can't stop being irritated by the terrible response. I went to open an account, and the receptionist was nice, but the person in charge was grumpy, impatient, fast-talking, and unfriendly. Is it something unique to women, or did something happen in your private life? It's a level that requires counseling. Even if the atmosphere is good for work, there is almost no basic etiquette for customer service. There were deficiencies here as well, but the words, attitude, and manner of delivery were not at all customer friendly. Also, it is a big problem that account opening cannot be completed online these days. Mega bank? makes me laugh And the parking lot is ridiculously expensive. I had to wait a long time and it made me feel terrible.

  • H_H GO

    H_H GO


    Today, when I tried to use my cash card at a convenience store for the first time in a long while, I found out that my PIN number was unknown and I called the call center, thinking that it would be locked if I entered it incorrectly several times. I knew that the only bank in Okayama was in front of the station, but as expected, I was directed there. I was able to check my PIN at the store, so I decided to go there by 3pm. When I went all the way to the front of the station, I was told that I would be waiting for 30 minutes to an hour, so I decided to give up and go home as I was being stepped on and kicked, but in the end I asked for a parking ticket because I always got one, and it was already distributed. It's over. In the end, I paid for the parking fee myself. I wasted so much time and money. This could have been done if the call center had known in the first place. It's been a bad day.

  • 中川智之



    I often use it for currency exchange and deposits, and the security guards and receptionists are very polite and pleasant, and I always feel comfortable using it. Although the number of bills is limited, it is very helpful that there is an exchange machine where you can exchange for new bills!

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