simpatica LIMONE i Kameoka

Japansimpatica LIMONE



🕗 åbningstider

51 Konyamachi, Kameoka, Kyoto 621-0852, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 771-20-7987
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.0121458, Longitude: 135.5769961

kommentar 5

  • Masaki 911

    Masaki 911


    I always order Japanese-style omelet rice with chicken cutlet. It's very delicious and cost-effective, so I highly recommend it. The atmosphere inside the store is really nice. Inside the store, his wife seems to be making little by little DIY items. The owner greets me very cheerfully.

  • K H

    K H


    The inside of the store was very stylish and had a nice atmosphere, and the staff were very friendly. This time I chose omelet rice as my main dish. The appetizers, main dishes, and desserts were all very delicious and the cost performance was very good. I would like to visit you again.

  • Christian Schwarzenegger

    Christian Schwarzenegger


    La gente di questo café è veramente simpatica! I walked around Kameoka to see the remainders of the old Shitamachi (the city below the castle). It was brutally hot and I needed a break. simpatica LIMONE is a nice tiny place with great menu. I tried the homemade donuts with tofu filling plus hot coffee (the usual blend coffee). The donuts are really delicious and not too heavy. The owners love the sea and it shows in the internal design of the café. Recommended!

  • Andrew Thomas

    Andrew Thomas


    Lovely lunch course and fine food & ambience.

  • Michelle Leong

    Michelle Leong


    Best omurice ever! Lovely owners, great lunch sets :) Edit: been a regular for 4 years. There's an English menu too. I personally recommend going during lunch hours and getting the B course as you get an appetizer, a main, a drink (a good selection too) and dessert for 1320 yen!

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