Silvia Coffee Nakanobashi in 名古屋市

JapanSilvia Coffee Nakanobashi



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Japan, 〒454-0835 愛知県名古屋市中川区八家町1丁目59
kontakte telefon: +81 52-361-8375
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.1317045, Longitude: 136.874247

kommentare 5

  • Ruby Ciar Iwatsuki

    Ruby Ciar Iwatsuki


    Nice and quite atmosphere ,have alot of choices cakes and pastry .

  • 後藤孝志



    This is my first visit to Shiruhia. I ordered ham and egg toast, but it took about 20 minutes to come out. Boiled eggs are hard boiled. Even if you order a sandwich, it won't come out right away, so I don't recommend it if you don't have much time.

  • サカキじゅん



    recommendation Shiruhia Coffee A store directly managed by the headquarters. The quality of the egg sandwich is good! Good customer service👌👍

  • Hill Dale

    Hill Dale


    ‘23/May ◆Iced Matcha Meal ¥530 ◆Sangen pork cutlet sandwich ¥750 I learned for the first time that Hia Shiru has a matcha me ✨ I wonder if it would go well with the cutlet sandwich? ? The matcha mine was topped with fresh cream topped with matcha powder☺️Matcha itself is not sweet, so you can add syrup if you like🥃 The cutlet sandwich looks very thick 😆 cucumber 🥒 plenty of cabbage 🥬 and a thick pork cutlet sandwiched between toast 🥪✨ You have to open your mouth wide to get it in 💦 Squeeze the toast from the top and bottom like you would eat a hamburger ``I'll take it 😋'' ``Oh! It's delicious✨'' The sauce is just right and the cutlet is crispy! ️The meat is so thick that it has a great texture, and by the time I finished eating one piece, I had three more pieces left🤣It was a very satisfying cutlet sandwich in terms of quantity and quality😋 It goes well with ice cream matcha me⭕️✨

  • ほら穴チャンネル



    I came in the morning after 9am, but the parking lot was full and I had to wait for a while until a space became available. Morning 450 yen with bread and boiled egg Cutlet sandwich 750 yen It was voluminous and filled me up. I enjoyed the restaurant's calm atmosphere.

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