四季のかばん in Okayama



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3399-1 Sugano, Kita Ward, Okayama, 701-1141, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 86-294-1717
webseite: www.shikinokaban.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.7590424, Longitude: 133.8713009

kommentare 5

  • 敬子



    We stayed with 5 adults, 2 toddlers, a baby, and a Labrador. I didn't have to worry about my kids making noise. It looks like they had a lot of fun feeding the rabbits. In the early morning, I took a walk while listening to the birds, and I was satisfied with being able to fully enjoy nature. I would definitely like to go again.

  • 大島さおり



    The customer service was good. The inside of the room seemed to be getting old, but it didn't bother me. It has a garden so you can relax on the balcony or take a bath while feeling the nature, but it would be even better if the trees were pruned a little. Before the reception, the parking lot between the hotel and Shiki no Kaban was grassy and rough, and I was worried whether it was really open, but Shiki no Kaban itself was clean and I had a comfortable stay. The hamburgers and curry for lunch were also delicious.

  • Bourbon S

    Bourbon S


    It's spacious, clean, quiet, and the bed is comfortable so you can sleep well. I go every year and my dogs love it and it always brings a smile to my face. The stars and the air are so beautiful! I think it would be nice if they could just increase the wattage because the lighting in the room is dark, but the room is very clean and relaxing. The dog run is small, so I wonder if it could be extended to the area where the crow chicken used to be, so my dog ​​could play without getting bored. I think.

  • ユウちゃん



    Since this is a cottage where you can stay with your dog, the floor was a little scratched, but it was very clean. Unfortunately, there was a little mold in the bathroom. I had made a reservation for the two of us, but my friend suddenly decided to join us for the BBQ, but they happily accommodated us and prepared it for us as soon as we paid the extra money. It was the last room, but it was a corner room and it was very quiet. There were some customers with bad manners who were setting off bonfires and fireworks and making a big fuss, so that was a big negative. You can check in from 15:00 and check out at 11:00 the next morning, so you can go home leisurely in the morning! I would be even happier if my cat could stay with me too...

  • 小渕あかり



    We stayed for 2 nights and 3 days with 4 dogs and 4 humans. Two of the dogs are large dogs, so I was worried that the room would be cramped, but that wasn't the case at all, and they were able to spend a relaxing time in the spacious and beautiful cottage. The dog run is right in front of the house, so it's very convenient. The run fence is low, so my excited dog jumped over it several times. I would be relieved if you could reinforce it a little higher. During my stay, I was unable to use the bath in the main building to prevent the spread of the disease, but the bath in my room was spacious enough and I was able to relax. Amenities were provided, and the kitchen in the room was equipped with the minimum cooking utensils such as knives and pots, so it was comfortable to have a BBQ. Rather than using this as a base to move around, this is an inn that is suitable for relaxing in your room and doing nothing. I would like to use it again if I have a chance.

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