蜀郷香シュウシャンシャン i Shinjuku City




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒160-0006 Tokyo, Shinjuku City, Funamachi, 5−25, Tsi Funamachi, 2F
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3356-0818
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.6898044, Longitude: 139.7216719

kommentar 5

  • 長井太郎



    My wife, who loves spicy food, was very satisfied! I would like to take my one-year-old son someday too 😍

  • Nobuyuki Ota

    Nobuyuki Ota


    This cozy Chinese restaurant can blow your mind and tongue! This Sichuan cuisine has spicy yet delicate taste. I’d even invite my Chinese friend here.

  • 歩く人形



    I never knew Sichuan food could be so delicious. Dandan noodles without soup are quite spicy. Mapo tofu is quite numbing. Both are so delicious that you'll want to get a second one. Alcohol goes well🍶 Apart from the course, I ordered spring rolls and gyoza. I was told that you can enjoy the skin of Chinese dumplings. When I ate it, I realized that the main ingredient was really the skin! It was very delicious…! Almond tofu is super delicious! I wanted to replace this too lol

  • chan ma

    chan ma


    Price per person: 17,000 yen. For alcohol, I had a bottle of Shaoxing wine and a glass of beer. Courses started from 10,000 yen. It says that it starts from 8,000 yen, but you need to be careful because it is different. The portion is small, so it may not be enough for people who like to eat a lot.

  • Warren Rehman

    Warren Rehman


    Cozy and intimate atmosphere, attentive table service, and spicy Sichuan dishes paired with a wide drink selection make this a great restaurant for small groups or couples. Dinner service is strictly course only, and prices are moderately expensive. I really liked the tantanmen, very spicy, but the mabo-tofu was beyond my ability to enjoy at its "original" spiciness level - unless you enjoy tongue pain I recommend asking for weaker versions of their dishes.

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