水軍の郷 en Higashihiroshima




🕗 horarios

7-27 Saijōokamachi, Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima 739-0016, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 82-431-4777
sitio web: suigunnosato.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.428505, Longitude: 132.740843

comentarios 5

  • Daniel Eghbal

    Daniel Eghbal


    A traditional Japanese restaurant where we had Sashimi, amazingly garnished and served with some Japanese Sake! I was a guest so can’t comment on the price but the service was nothing short of an outstanding Japanese service.

  • Going Keep

    Going Keep


    The dishes are good and most impressive ones ate wagyu and tuna belly. When ate these 2 , the wagyu and tuna fat are so tasty and very soft to swallow. Kind of heaven. Very good quality food.

  • ndra ndro

    ndra ndro


    It is delicious. I think the price is reasonable. We order three types of tempura, miso with clam, and oyster plus rice. The portion is large enough for us.

  • Lyn



    Fresh seafoods.. I love 💕 this place.. Visited for how many times.. the master is friendly.. sashimi is very good ...😃👍

  • Andrew Goh

    Andrew Goh


    One of the finest Japanese keiseiki course meal that cost 8000yen per pax. The food was authentic Japanese with sashimi, sushi, fish soup , tempura and many other seafoods. Probably 8 different courses. Do make sure you try he local sake of Saijo where there have 8 local sake brewery and is high quality and inexpensive. Total cost for 2 of us with 3 bottles sakes around 21000 yen. They don’t speak English well and luckily they employed students from nearby university to command similar English that the night easier for us. Lovely place with counter seats and private room. Beautiful traditional Japanese architecture house that serve restaurant. Enjoy it and heard they are also 1 star Michelin!

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