ショッピングのだ 芳士店 in Miyazaki

Japanショッピングのだ 芳士店



🕗 öffnungszeiten

942-1 Hōji, Miyazaki, 880-0123, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 985-39-3000
webseite: shoppingnoda.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 31.9625219, Longitude: 131.4406268

kommentare 5

  • 白パンダ



    From a major supermarket near Otsuka The quantity of vegetables and fruits is reasonable, and it depends on the item, but it's cheaper than other stores. I buy fish 🐟 every time, but sashimi is also okay. Well, it's time to cook. I look forward to discounted products every time (^^;

  • なっつ



    The selection looks pretty good! The image is that you can buy what you need at a cheap price. I go here often because the pineapple is cheaper than other stores. It contains a lot of vegetables and is inexpensive, so it might be budget-friendly. Fresh fish is also sold at low prices. It might be the best when you want to quickly and easily complete your shopping. I get the impression that there are a lot of bargain items.

  • 岡田孝幸



    I definitely go on weekends. Vegetables are cheap and great. The side dishes, especially the fried horse mackerel, are cheap and delicious. Fried chicken is also good.

  • 河野純子



    Vegetables and fruits are cheap! Sometimes they come out with gift items packed in boxes and packages, so I buy them! I always buy here during strawberry season. I also buy bananas a lot. The side dishes are also cheap and delicious. There are also various types of vegetables. Compared to other stores, the inside of the store is bright and refreshing.

  • R M

    R M


    There is an abundance of fresh fish caught in Kyushu, mainly from Miyazaki. I'm glad that Kochi's whole Japanese sardines are available for sashimi. We also have a fun selection of fruits and vegetables, including Hyuganatsu, seedless, and less seeded varieties. Although it doesn't have everything, it is recommended for tourists living in the city.

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