Shopper Sakuragawa in Higashiomi

JapanShopper Sakuragawa



🕗 öffnungszeiten

119-1 Sakuragawanishichō, Higashiomi, Shiga 529-1572, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 748-55-0023
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.0624927, Longitude: 136.1887167

kommentare 5

  • ぽんりつ



    Today, I went shopping with my grandmother for the first time in a while and bought some fresh fish. There are lots of rare and special products that are not sold at other stores! ︎ The store manager was working the cash register and was very kind. Thank you very much for helping me carry my heavy luggage to the car. A friendly store manager! I felt very good. thank you very much. I also go to see the store manager's smiling face.




    I was wondering which one to buy while reading the pop-up that came with the product. The store manager was kind enough to talk to me and explain the products he was particular about, and I was able to have a very satisfying shopping experience. It seems that rare items are arriving frequently, so you'll want to come back often! All the products I purchased based on the store manager's recommendations were delicious!

  • 田中茂樹



    I went shopping and ate seafood bowl at Shopper Sakuragawa. It was very delicious. I wanted to eat it again.

  • 澁谷武蔵



    The lunch at Uoyasan was cheap and good. A perfect lunch for an old man, an old woman, and an old woman. The miso soup was quite lukewarm, but the yellowtail soup was perfect! Please muster up the courage to enter the exterior, which may be difficult for first-time visitors. You can have a large serving of rice. Recommended is the luxurious seafood bowl (lol) Let's go again. Place your order at the fishmonger and pay at the cash register. Interesting system (lol)

  • nao kino

    nao kino


    It's an old-fashioned supermarket, and I didn't know it, but a friend of mine asked if we should have lunch here. I didn't understand what that meant, but when I entered the store, there was a menu. Well, I can eat now (lol) Once you have decided on the menu, go to the back of the store where the fish is being prepared and tell them what you want to eat.After that, take the paper given to you by the staff to the cashier, pay the bill, take a seat, wait, and enjoy the seafood. They also bring a bowl of rice (lol) for tea. There is a teacup on the table you brought, so I started from there. This is my first time having tea (lol).If I don't take out my order after it arrives, I won't be able to drink tea because I won't have a teacup. ! Beginners may panic for the first time (lol) Nothing has been added to the system, so the sashimi is very fresh, and you can enjoy the sashimi at a reasonable price🤗🥢💯I was surprised to see that it was featured in the magazine Leaf🥰. Shopper Sakuragawa! It's the best~

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