Shokudoen w Kawasaki




🕗 godziny otwarcia

14-13 Ogawachō, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0023, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 44-222-0016
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.528071, Longitude: 139.6995051

komentarze 5

  • 藏田容子



    I have visited you several times in the past. Although it's old, it's a safe and reliable shop. This time I had a yakiniku lunch and a small rose soup. It's reasonably priced, and you can get barley tea and coffee yourself.

  • 島﨑香



    Visited for the first time in 5 years👣 I visited during lunch on a weekday. Entered the store around 11:30. I was guided to a table for 6 people on the right. I wanted to eat rib soup, so Ordered Kalbi Kouppa Lunch ¥1200. The following drinks are free drinks. (cold); iced coffee/iced tea/barley tea (warm); coffee/tea The mini salad has shiso dressing. The Kalbikuppa that was provided had a large chunk of meat that was satisfying to eat. I get the impression that the taste of the soup has changed a little from before. The iced tea was a little cloudy and I was disappointed that the taste of the Kalbikuppa was different from the previous one. There is free wifi in the store. PayPay payment compatible

  • Roxanne OIKAWA

    Roxanne OIKAWA


    Its very delicious

  • Imee Soriano

    Imee Soriano


    Nice place to dine in with family, friends and colleagues. A bit noisy cause of ‘excited-happy-happy-costumers’ , but the food is good and they have these FREE (eat as many as you want) green leafy thing. Be sure to make a reservation before you visit because it really gets crowded.

  • ma k

    ma k


    Nice and traditional Yakiniku restaurant.

najbliższy Restauracja

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