Shohakukan w Iwaki



brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Sahako-158 Jōbanyumotomachi, Iwaki, Fukushima 972-8321, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 246-42-2141
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.0109309, Longitude: 140.8452232

komentarze 5

  • R. H.

    R. H.


    The food is amazing. It's really delicious. It's on repeat. ・I want to eat delicious food ・Hot springs that flow straight from the source are good ・I want to spend a relaxing time It is a long-established inn, and the facilities feel old. The rooms and bathrooms are average and don't feel clean or new. For example, the hair dryer in the changing room is an old-fashioned cord type built into the wall. On the other hand, the hospitality of the staff is good. Not formal, friendly, yet polite.

  • sana



    I stayed with my family for one night, and I felt very comfortable with the heartfelt and warm hospitality and greetings from the staff.The breakfast, and especially the dinner, was voluminous, fresh, delicious, and carefully selected, with high-quality ingredients, carefully prepared and refined. I was also very impressed with the food, and the hot bath warmed my body from the core and left my skin moisturized. It was a wonderful inn with a taste that makes me want to visit again.

  • 鈴木雄二



    A retro inn with a taste and history. The hot springs were damaged by an earthquake 13 years ago, and the color of the hot springs seems to change every day. When I went there, it was milky white. I was also satisfied with the food. A wide variety of products in small quantities, perfect for drinking beer. The customer service is kind and I'm thinking about repeat business.

  • お父さん



    It is a good old hot spring hotel. The inside of the inn was decorated with fresh flowers, which was nice. The meals were delicious with a large variety of dishes! The spring water was mild and warmed my core.

  • William Dalziel

    William Dalziel


    Possibly the best onsen in Yumoto

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