Shizuoka Yaizu Shinkin Bank Mikadodai Branch in Shizuoka

JapanShizuoka Yaizu Shinkin Bank Mikadodai Branch



🕗 öffnungszeiten

4-1 Kusanagiichiriyama, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka, 424-0884, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 54-348-0001
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.0060175, Longitude: 138.4529776

kommentare 5

  • 杉山惠



    It's pretty empty during the day on weekdays. The staff at the counter are also kind and polite. A community-based credit union.

  • ラッキークローバー



    They were very rigid and did not respond flexibly. I was offered the option of paying the fee twice, but I was asked, ``How about this?'' ” I thought to myself and took action, and everything turned out fine. Also, I contacted them a few days before my visit and they said they would keep everyone informed, but they kept saying different things, so I was worried. I apologize for acting in a slightly unpopular manner. However, if we had been flexible, we wouldn't have had to say ``That's enough...''. I would like people to understand that they are entrusted with other people's money.

  • TO NA

    TO NA


  • yrn



    I have been using this service for about 10 years, and I often hear of problems with neighbors and customers when using the parking lot. Is the young staff a customer when you use it? I felt very sorry for the staff and customers who work hard every day, and it made me feel very uncomfortable. Is there a more peaceful solution? I would like to charge a fee for parking.

  • ta su

    ta su


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