Shizuoka Chuo Bank Hamamatsu Kita i Hamamatsu

JapanShizuoka Chuo Bank Hamamatsu Kita



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-3-7 Saiwai, 中区 Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 433-8123, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 53-472-2241
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.737446, Longitude: 137.724041

kommentar 3

  • a a

    a a


    It is convenient to be able to check your passbook on the app. The ATM was also a 7-Eleven, so it was good because there was no charge during the opening hours. The people at the counter were also kind.




    It was my first time visiting this bank, and I was wondering if it would be okay since the name of the bank was unfamiliar to me...I went in the middle of the day and there were no other customers, so I thought I would be called right away, but I was not shown around. After waiting for about 20 minutes, what do you need? and. When I asked if I could create a new passbook, I was told no! They responded...Why can't they be made? There was no explanation, and I was stunned and thought, no, it was a mistake to visit! I reflected on this. everyone! It is best to refrain from doing business with banks you are unfamiliar with! It was a no good bank! I should have gone!

  • うめ



    I went there for the first time with my grandma yesterday, and it seems that you can't make a passbook just by saving money. Until now, it can't be helped, But if the employees here were wearing gray masks. He was considered suspicious and treated as a criminal. It's normal to wear a mask these days, and just wearing a gray mask makes people look extremely prejudiced. Moreover, I was asked to give my address. Why? When I asked him, he said it was because it was suspicious. There's no way I could just give them my address, and I'm really pissed off at this kind of customer service. I will never go there again.

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