Shizuoka Bank Yaizu Minami i Yaizu

JapanShizuoka Bank Yaizu Minami



🕗 åbningstider

605-3 Negishima, Yaizu, Shizuoka 425-0045, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 54-623-8280
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.8381396, Longitude: 138.3085558

kommentar 5

  • 大村三千夫



    It may be the same everywhere, but everyone is kind and kind.

  • m m

    m m


    As soon as you enter, you operate the touch panel and wait for your turn to be called. At that time, the general guide gave us various information so that we could proceed with the procedure immediately.

  • なお



    The parking lot is one-way, but there are cars going the wrong way, so be careful! There are 4 ️🏧, one of which is dedicated to 💳️.

  • ゆーみ



    I felt very uncomfortable due to the way the customer guide lady looked down on me.

  • 霄永夢



    I went through the preliminary examination procedure at the counter and was told that I would be informed of the results in about a week. However, a week later, I did not hear back from them, so I waited another week, thinking that it would still take some time, but I didn't hear back, so I called to confirm, and was told that the process had not progressed due to a mistake. ] I was stunned. There was no apology or explanation...Where did the documents with personal information go...? ? Give me back the time. It was very unpleasant.

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