Shizuoka Bank Fukuroinishi Branch i Fukuroi

JapanShizuoka Bank Fukuroinishi Branch



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒437-0065 Shizuoka, Fukuroi, Horikoshi, 2-chōme−11−3
kontakter telefon: +81 538-43-1711
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.7505554, Longitude: 137.9109289

kommentar 5

  • エイジ堂園



    The parking lot has separate entrance and exit. There is a lot of traffic coming and going even at around 5pm.

  • 中島弘康



    usually. ATM is Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays → 9:00 to 19:00 Weekdays → 8:00-21:00 I wish it would be open until 8pm on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays...

  • 片岡孝史



    It wasn't too crowded since I was just using the ATM.

  • 1613 SMD

    1613 SMD


    Everything is wrong! It takes too much time to create a trade name account, I keep people waiting too long, I look down on them, I don't apologize, I don't admit fault. I was able to open a store name account with a Shinkin Bank right away. I want my time back, I'll never go there again!

  • 技術佐藤



    There is a sign prohibiting right turns at the exit of the parking lot. I want it to be thorough. Naturally, all the cars were turning right. Naturally, traffic jams occur when there are many cars in the opposite lane. I get irritated when I don't have time.

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