シトロンプラリーネ in Ashikaga



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2-chōme-2656-3 Tōri, Ashikaga, Tochigi 326-0814, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 284-42-5613
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.3346805, Longitude: 139.4514426

kommentare 5

  • 大美丽(大美丽)



    I ordered a birthday cake online and it was shipped the day after my birthday. There was no notification that there would be a delay, only that the item had been shipped in response to my inquiry. What's more, even though I informed them that I would be late the next day, they lied and said that I had contacted them the night before. The store owner's lack of ability to respond as an adult is too bad. I will never shop at a store like this again. ☆I don't want to wear one. Everyone, don't be fooled.

  • ともとも



    A huge sacred place. A very difficult challenge menu with a short time limit. fast eating. If you are confident in your ability to eat big, please give it a try. parfait. cake. Pasta etc. There is also an all-you-can-eat cake menu.

  • ちなぷぅ



    I was served a large parfait that was quite tasteless. Most of the food was waffles with an incomprehensible and unpleasant cream inside...Everyone was so excited. I didn't want to pay anything.

  • 謙二長谷川



    I ordered a cake for my grandson's birthday. I was surprised at the height of the quarterly. I have no complaints about the taste either.

  • Manami nakamura

    Manami nakamura


    I like Hello Kitty so I ordered a face cake. All parts were handmade and of high quality. We also made roses and ribbons. I received a cookie as a souvenir. It was so cute. Next time I'm going to go eat parfait with my friends.

nächste Cafe

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