Shiroyama Store en Kagoshima

JapónShiroyama Store



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2-chōme-7-3 Shiroyama, Kagoshima, 892-0813, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 99-226-6814
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 31.6042199, Longitude: 130.5461307

comentarios 5

  • 野崎卓



    The bento boxes and side dishes are reasonably priced and very delicious. I go there quite often.

  • tokyo f

    tokyo f


    The parking lot in front of you will probably be closed soon! Are there many complaints from neighbors? I think you can understand it by looking at the photo. It's true that the users are at fault, but it's the store that tolerates it based on the theory of virtuous nature. This is true even for short taxi rides. If it's a large minivan or sedan, it may even extend into the roadway. How long will you leave this situation? The store only accepts light vehicles! Even though I put up a sign, everyone ignored it. I was careful because the taxi was stopped, but it ended up causing trouble between the passengers! Is this the route to school? It hurts to see children walking on the road because cars are in the way. Buses also pass through it, and it is not accessible to people with disabilities or people in wheelchairs. I once helped an elderly man who was using a cane as he was walking along the road.

  • Hiro Mikumo

    Hiro Mikumo


    The staff is unmotivated!The products are inferior to other affiliated stores. It's a shame since it's their first store! I wish they had a fresher selection of products.

  • KCR今吉



    I often buy lunch. There is also a buffet, so you can choose while keeping balance in mind, so it's a great option for those of us who are concerned about our stomach area. Chirashi sushi and sushi too I'm happy because it's reasonably priced, fresh, and delicious.

  • M2024



    The people at the store are very kind. The ready-made side dishes taste a little strong. Nowadays, people are becoming more health-conscious, so why not create a corner with lighter flavors?

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