Shirogane Sabo in Fukuoka

JapanShirogane Sabo



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-11-7 Shirogane, Chuo Ward, Fukuoka, 810-0012, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 92-534-2200
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.5783366, Longitude: 130.4053765

kommentare 5

  • Tiffany Ko

    Tiffany Ko


    Professional service, elegant dining atmosphere, more over great food and desert, highly recommended to visit and experience!

  • Byb022



    Long waiting time, took an hour for 2 pancakes set. But then the pancake is warm only. The shrimp noodles tastes good

  • Daria P

    Daria P


    It is a beautiful three stories building. However, it looks like that at least during the breakfast you can be seated only on the first floor. I ordered a walnut adzuki paste pancake set. The walnut adzuki paste was delicious. I could eat just it without anything else. The pancake was okay but not hot, even the butter wasn't melting. The morning set is served with a drink. I ordered a cup of hot coffee and asked to serve it at the same time with the food. My coffee was served 10 minutes earlier and was barely warm when the food arrived. It was extremely annoying!!!

  • CR



    I think the inside of the cafe has a really nice aesthetic and it’s nice to sit in. But the meal was just average. I was kinda disappointed that my eggs Benedict pancake came out with a hard boiled egg instead of a poached egg. Also it took 30 minutes to come out and was room temperature :/ but the coffee was nice

  • Min Seong Kim

    Min Seong Kim


    A dessert cafe in Yakuin popular among tourists and locals alike. I myself have been here twice now, and I have mixed feelings about it. The cakes served here certainly look pretty, and they taste nice too. The charming exterior and cozy interior decor make good backdrops for a photo shoot. These are good enough reasons for first-time visitors to Fukuoka to visit this store. But after that mandatory first visit and photo-op, I would not come back willingly to queue and pay so much for what is, at the end of the day, glorified pancakes.

nächste Cafe

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