しらとり歯科 in Niigata




🕗 öffnungszeiten

Kō-4380-4 Maki, Nishikan Ward, Niigata, 953-0041, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 256-72-1771
webseite: www.tokushinkai.or.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 37.7537817, Longitude: 138.891885

kommentare 5

  • ri ru

    ri ru


    I'm there for maintenance Doctor changes every time You can also nominate Everyone is so kind.

  • ぴょんうさ



    Very clean and the teachers and staff They were very kind. Even if you go suddenly, you can be seen.

  • ティアラジャスミン



    It's like refusing new patients. That didn't happen before. I went to the hospital with a toothache, but they couldn't get me to see a doctor.

  • CallofDoutey



    I don't know why there are so many low ratings. I have a cavity in my wisdom tooth and it's my first visit at 6:30pm on Friday, can I come now? When I asked about it, they kindly responded and told me that the reception was open until 7:30 pm, but I got stuck in traffic and arrived at around 7:40 pm, but after completing a questionnaire for the first consultation, I was immediately called in, had an X-ray done, and had my teeth diagnosed with cavities. I was found and prescribed painkillers, which immediately relieved the pain. The waiting room had computers, tea and coffee service, and even a massage machine, so it was so relaxing that I thought I was actually at the dentist. It was my first time seeing a dentist like this, so I was shocked. I will be using this again.

  • 環萬芭貴院



    I do it almost all year round. Usually by reservation only When you are in pain, it is helpful because you can call us even if there is a waiting time. It is also well maintained.

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