Shintoshin Dental Clinic i Naha

JapanShintoshin Dental Clinic



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Japan, 〒902-0066 Okinawa, Naha, Daidō, 78−12 2F
kontakter telefon: +81 98-887-0648
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2209287, Longitude: 127.6986686

kommentar 5

  • かずきち



    I love the stylish and luxurious interior of the store! I've been coming here for several years for cavities treatment, tooth extractions, regular cleanings, etc., and I've never felt particularly dissatisfied! I haven't been able to visit the hospital due to the coronavirus pandemic, so I went today for the first time in a while! There were a lot of things I wanted him to see, but due to time constraints, I only had him do the cleaning. The dental hygienist who took care of you? He was very kind and made me feel less nervous (I always get nervous at the dentist) He taught me about the areas where I wasn't brushing my teeth, the inflammation that was caused by that, and how I could improve it by brushing, and he took the time to give me a lecture on how to brush my teeth! It's hard to tell from an amateur's perspective how good the dentist is, but the dental hygienist's friendliness and pleasant treatment make me want to come again! Next time, I will brush my teeth thoroughly every day using the method you taught me before going.

  • オジマンディアス



    I visited the hospital for wisdom tooth extraction and tooth decay treatment. I visited him once more than 5 years ago, and at that time I had my wisdom teeth extracted, but I remembered that the procedure was efficient and didn't cause any pain, so I decided to visit him again. However, this time I was treated as a first-time patient, and even though I had made an appointment, I had to wait for over an hour. The wisdom teeth this time were close to the nerves, so they told me that they wouldn't be able to remove them here, so I was referred to another hospital. The cavity treatment itself took about 20 minutes. I don't know if it was during the busy season when there were more customers coming and going than the last time, but I felt that the treatment was very sloppy. If I hadn't declared it myself, I might have been sent home with my stuffing still uneven. (I told another hygienist and had them clean it again.) When I flossed again a month or two later, the filling came off easily. I had heard in advance that it was an easy place to get one, but I think I'll order somewhere else next time.




    This dentist is located on the second floor of an apartment building near Omoromachi Station. The entrance is simple, but the inside of the hospital is very clean, luxurious, and well-equipped. The doctor is calm and provides thorough explanations, so you can trust him, the dental hygienist does thorough cleanings, and it's easy to make an appointment, making him a very pleasant dentist.

  • しち



    I visited the hospital because the way my left and right wisdom teeth grew in my upper teeth was affecting my other teeth and was causing pain. I originally went to this hospital because it was recommended to me by another hospital, and I had my upper right wisdom tooth extracted there. During the procedure and after the tooth was extracted, the bleeding didn't stop and I was in pain for about 10 days, I couldn't eat well, my face was swollen, and it was affecting my ability to work, so I decided against having the left tooth extracted. I learned about Shintoshin Dental Clinic from someone at work. I told her about the difficulties I had the last time I visited the doctor, and I was quite nervous. It's scary to hear a grinding sound when a tooth is extracted, but there is no pain during the procedure. The bloodshed that I had expected had stopped before I knew it. I didn't feel any pain while waiting for the checkout in the waiting room after the procedure, and I didn't experience any symptoms such as pain, bleeding, or swelling that I experienced at other hospitals, and I was prescribed medicine to prevent infection at the extraction site and a painkiller just in case. All it took was one medical visit. I think he is an excellent dentist when it comes to tooth extraction treatment, as there is almost no post-surgery stress and you don't have to visit the hospital multiple times.

  • 林弘晃



    After the filling was removed, I made an appointment to be examined. Since the severity was mild, it was completed in one session, but the treatment was very helpful and took about 1 hour for light treatment, tartar removal and cleaning to prevent periodontal disease. The teachers and assistants were all very nice and treated me with great care. This is a recommended dental clinic.

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