Shinshu Soba Restaurant Sojibo Shin-Osaka station w Osaka

JaponiaShinshu Soba Restaurant Sojibo Shin-Osaka station



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5-chōme-16-1 Nishinakajima, Yodogawa Ward, Osaka, 532-0011, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6304-6638
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Latitude: 34.7331828, Longitude: 135.499444

komentarze 5

  • Dmitry Patashov

    Dmitry Patashov


    The soba noodle was marvelous. Definitely recommend.

  • メカ鰻



    I visited on a Sunday after 4pm. Perhaps because it was time, he showed me right away. Zaru soba, curry nanban, and mini cutlet bowl. The curry nanban seems to have more flavor from the soup stock than from the spices, and is delicious. I would like to use it again if I have the opportunity. I also appreciated that the store staff were very kind.

  • Skye Cai

    Skye Cai


    Tried the duck soba. The duck meat came as a cold dish with some sweetened sauce on top. 4 slices is a good amount for one diner. However the duck meat is actually not that fresh. The meat itself is hardened, not sure is it from the storage. The soba noodle is a little sour too. Could be the noodle stored for too long. Ordered the fried mochi, good to go as the side dish, and dip with the sauce on the duck meat. Services are good.

  • 細田洋子



    I had Kamo Seiro Soba for dinner. It's a restaurant that even non-travelers can visit, like office workers drinking with their colleagues. I've been to other chain stores, and it seems like the menu items vary slightly from store to store. The duck and yuzu pepper plate was delicious. I entered the store just before the last order, but the staff was polite and kind. Thank you very much.

  • Arjun Adhikari

    Arjun Adhikari


    Amazing 😍

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