Shinsei Bank Shinjuku Financial Center i Shinjuku-ku

JapanShinsei Bank Shinjuku Financial Center



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Japan, 〒163-1501 Tōkyō-to, Shinjuku-ku, Nishishinjuku, 1 Chome−6, 西新宿1丁目6−1 新宿エルタワー1階
kontakter telefon: +81 120-456-860
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6920579, Longitude: 139.6972009

kommentar 5

  • geetanjali shukla

    geetanjali shukla


    I went to Shinjuku branch and it was pretty convenient to open a account here. The bank had two english speaking staff and it took less than an hour. Hoping it to be good with bank related services too.

  • Sean Flanagan

    Sean Flanagan


    Rude staff, unwilling to help. I get the distinct feeling they have no patience for gaijin. Avoid Shinsei and if you really must, use the branch near Tokyo station. I had a much more positive experience there.

  • tokyo plastic

    tokyo plastic


    As a Gaijin it can be a huge hassle opening an account in Tokyo. My experience with Shinsei Bank has been anything but. A little Japanese goes a long way here and there are also a few staff who speak good English. Everyone I have dealt with has been polite, friendly, helpful and professional. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them.

  • en

    noob noob


    Banked with them for around 10 years now. My Japanese is still very limited but all staff in all branches have been helpful and I've always been able to do what I needed to get done.

  • Yoko Suka

    Yoko Suka


    [I studied Japanese formally in college.] The staff I spoke to (probably) lied to me and said I could not set-up an account because my phone was pre-paid. I checked later with my company and they said he (the staff) lied and it's fine. (A different coworker, also a foreigner, had a pre-paid phone and he got a staff member that made him an account.) This happens fairly often in Japan. Staff don't want to put up with foreigners, even though I assure them I know Japanese. Take your chances! Not harm in trying. They either help you or not.

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