Shinozaki Dental Clinic i Utsunomiya

JapanShinozaki Dental Clinic



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1-chōme-34-7 Takaragichō, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 320-0061, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 28-612-5418
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.5766801, Longitude: 139.851731

kommentar 5

  • ゆ


    I had a lot of cavities in my teeth from an early age, and even as an adult, I was so afraid of going to the dentist that I couldn't go to the dentist at all.One day, I had no choice but to take the plunge and went to the dentist for a temporary treatment that would prevent me from being able to go to the dentist again! The director, teachers, and staff were very kind and listened well. I really hate dentists! I clearly told him that I really didn't want the treatment, and that I had a lot of trauma from my past fears regarding anesthesia treatment. (Although it's not very popular (sweat)) Here, I was able to listen to patients' stories, accept their feelings, and provide treatment that alleviated their anxiety and fear. I wonder how many years it has been going now. My family is taking care of me (^^) Children can also go for cavities treatment without fear. She has come to love dentistry so much that regular visits are not enough. I'm glad that you can take care of me without worrying like me! I would definitely recommend it to mothers with children (^o^)

  • r t (なめこ)

    r t (なめこ)


    I have dental phobia and have had repeated setbacks at various dentists. The doctors and nurses are extremely kind, incredibly polite and kind, and they thoroughly consult with you every step of the way before proceeding with your treatment. I'm a very troublesome patient due to my dental phobia, but he takes the time to check my stage and mood, and explain the equipment in an easy-to-understand manner, telling me that I'm fine even if it's just a scraping procedure. . There is no pain from anesthesia, and we will take pictures of your tooth after it has been removed and show you it on the spot. Also, the beautiful nurses are very kind.

  • Clear



    About 10 years ago, I lost a false tooth that I had fitted at another dental clinic, and my speech was unclear and it was difficult to eat. When I said, ``I'd like to put it back on and go home today,'' he immediately understood the situation and fixed it properly.I'm grateful for his easy-to-understand answers to my questions. The interior is also stylish and clean.

  • R



    The receptionist throws my patient's ticket on the tray and returns it to me, has no expression on her face, and only calls my name in a loud voice, which is unpleasant. The dentist and hygienist are nice people, but the receptionist makes me feel sick when I leave, so once my current treatment is over, I won't be going there again.

  • tuxtuki



    I had my wisdom teeth removed. First of all, Mr. Shinozaki is very kind. God gave me human rights even though I was scared. When I went to a different dentist, they said something like, ``Someone like you has no right to have it removed.'' The arm is the problem, but I think it's expensive. My wisdom teeth grew horizontally. I was prepared for some swelling after the tooth extraction, but both of my lower teeth didn't swell much. It works well and I am very satisfied. I don't really know how to treat cavities (I had it treated 2 years ago, but so far it's looking good).

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