食の殿堂 ユーストア金沢ベイ店 w Kanazawa

Japonia食の殿堂 ユーストア金沢ベイ店



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4-chōme-56番地 Muryōji, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-0333, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 570-009-275
strona internetowej: www.uny.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.6001412, Longitude: 136.6143352

komentarze 5




    Large rock oysters with shells were cheap at 600 yen each, so I had them open the shells to eat at the hotel, but...they were too small. It's so small that you can't even imagine it considering the size of its shell. 1200 yen was too much for this.

  • 虎の巻NO.22



    Recommended It's a shop with a wide variety of products and cheap❗️I wish they would open a store on the mountain side where I live✨ It's nice to get a discount sticker attached early. However, the cash register was crowded for a long time compared to other stores💧I went around 6pm and there were only two cash registers open, so it took quite a while to pay. .

  • キムジェヨン



    This is a store that my wife and I always visit once a week to buy ingredients. The vegetables are fresh and the prices are low. As for the fish, Oguchi Suisan has a shop with seasonal Noto fish on display. There is a wide variety of meat available and it is cheap. My wife seems to like this at the supermarket in Kanazawa. However, recently the prices of food have gone up so much that I don't feel like shopping anymore. The nearby Osakaya Daitoku store is nearby and competes with the store. Seafood prices have also increased dramatically. One small vannamei shrimp costs over 40 yen❕ I was disappointed and had no choice but to leave the sales floor. Although the end of the year may be a mild winter, we are worried about the intense heat and soaring prices in the summer. Lately, I've been going to the nearby Albis to compare. Even though the price is a little higher, the quality of the products seems to be better at Albis.

  • onu uno

    onu uno


    Parking lot is large There were a lot of items and it seemed convenient. I used this because I wanted to eat sashimi. I was disappointed that there was no sashimi, probably due to bad timing. There are many types of meat, Maybe you are putting more effort into that.

  • Wakana Komatsu Kodo

    Wakana Komatsu Kodo


    They have a good sized imported Asian food section.

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